Can work be any easier? Yes! With a reliable TMS
At work bringing order into the chaos, that is the role of each project manager. That is even twice more true if we have multilanguage projects in mind. The work environment can be one’s greatest ally.
One of the most important virtues a project manager can have is meticulousness. Order in papers, assignments and in contacts with others is the backbone of proper workflow. A well-organised project manager knows exactly what is the current status of each project he/she manages, who is assigned to do it and what to expect.
There are many things that could go wrong in a project manager’s work. The more projects, the more chances that something is forgotten or a deadline is missed. One of the most effective solutions to such challenges is arranging the work environment in such a way to make it work for the PM not against him or her.

Let’s make work great again!
In SpaceTMS, the process of creating a project is made comfortable while the decisive power is still in the PM’s hand. When the manager creates the project with the interactive form, he/she can specify the most important characteristics of the current assignment. That includes: the translator (or a team of such), the languages, the wage and of course the deadlines. The project form, which can be viewed by both a translator and a PM, is just one of the tools that bring order into the chaos.
Another one worth mentioning is the invoice manager. In this part of the system, essential data regarding orders and payments is stored. What’s more, it is linked with order forms that allow for placing comments and exchanging information. The translators and clients have their own databases in SpaceTMS. Both of them are easily accessible and simple to use and navigate.
The main point of such design in SpaceTMS is to gather all the necessary tools in one place and allow project managers and translators to exchange materials, comments and be in constant touch. That is why, it can bring the work of an overburdened PM back on the right tracks.