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Project management

How project management works? Why is it important?

Project management is something deeply rooted in the DNA of every properly working enterprise. It can have different strategies and use varied tools but the goal is always common for all: to make the job done in the best and fastest way possible. This can be achieved only with proper organization.

When it all began?

Not everybody knows that one of the inventors of seeing each task as a manageable project was Karol Adamiecki. Polish academic introduced his concept of schedule called „harmonogram” or „harmonograf” in 1896. Later his works were modified by American engineer Henry Gantt in 1910’s and until today are commonly named Gantt charts. This started the research of scientific management which affected each other type of management and was soon to be tested during the times of war in Europe.

The person who supervises the process, the project manager, has a vital role in the way things are done. His/her role is not to supervise each and every part, but to keep all the cogs in the machine properly turning. To do it properly one has to introduce a strategy.

Three major strategies of project management

There are many ways to deal with tasks, but here we would like to focus on two, which are often set as examples of good choices.

The first method is called simply „traditional”, as it was developed during decades of passing experience among managers in various branches and industries. Such a strategy requires precise time frames: beginning, concept work, development, testing and so on until the final deadline. It also includes other subtypes of management as many circumstances are to be taken care of: crisis management, communication, human resources, integrity, expenses, etc. In 1996 the guidelines to a safe and effective project management in such a style was published under the title „PMBOK Guide” by Project Management Institute.

The second approach is usually called „agile” as it symbolizes the agility of following the needs of client and project itself. They can be constantly changing. It differs from the first one by setting the frames and goal of each task in less strict way. Sometimes thing have to be reoriented during the process. For example in case of software first the team prepares a trial version with basic functionalities and tests it with clients even though it is not finished yet. Then the product would be updated according to the test results and suggestions from users.

Third method is often called “extreme management. This is the most difficult of them all, but it gives one the opportunity to react instantly to every change in the variables. Each day the project manager has to make decisions about each part of the assignment and each member of the team. It takes a lot of energy and focus to keep it in shape, but if anything goes wrong, the PM can react instantly.

Many strategies, one environment to test them all

It was never stated anywhere that a company can chose only one kind of strategy. Each project can be managed differently according to its conditions and client’s demand. However it is very important to be sure that our company is properly equipped for the task. Good communication, unbreakable supply chain, review system – these are just a few things a manager has to have in mind. You can find all the necessary tools to manage projects and companies in the environment of SpaceTMS. Try it and never bother worrying about “how to do it” again. Just focus on “what’s next?”

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